
Anson's working / exploring footprints 🧙‍♀️

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Vue 3 Notable

reactivity fundamentals

  • Using reactive many times in origin or proxy object always return the same proxy object, while ref return a new proxy object when arguments is origin object each time, return the same proxy object when arguments is proxy object.
  • If an object is assigned as a ref’s value, the object is made deeply reactive with reactive(). This also means if the object contains nested refs, they will be deeply unwrapped.

  • Set noRefValue / Ref to a reactive object
const count = ref(0);
const state = reactive({ count });

console.log(state.count); // 0

state.count = 1; // inner equal to state.count.value = noRefValue
console.log(count.value); // 1

const otherCount = ref(2);

state.count = otherCount; // inner equal to state.count = Ref
console.log(state.count); // 2
// original ref is now disconnected from state.count
console.log(count.value); // 1

fallthrough attributes

  • Parent event not declared in child emits will be
  1. binded to child root, acting as navite event (if any, inheritAttrs: false can disable this)
  2. accessed by $attrs in child
  3. triggered by child $emit

So, emit event may be trigger duplicated in item 1 and item 3. If which has been declared in child, only item 3 will happen

  • class、style and v-on event will be merged, while other attributes parent overrides child in single root mode



Store export a reactive object, destructure items from this store will loss reactivity (even if the item is a ref, cause ref unwrappping), you could use storeToRefs, it like toRefs, but will ignore methods and non reactive properties

replaceing the state

// this doesn't actually replace `$state`
store.$state = { count: 24 };
// it internally calls `$patch()`:
store.$patch({ count: 24 });

If you want to replace the state, use $reset instead of assigning directly. By default this api only works on options type store, if you choose composition type, you need implement this function by a pinia plugin, there is an example

tags: vue