
Anson's working / exploring footprints 🧙‍♀️

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This Refer

code in module and class enable strict mode by default


  • globalThis always refer to window
  • this in global within strict or non-strict mode refer to window
  • this in non-arrow function refer to window within non-strict mode, refer to undefined within strict mode
  • this in arrow function refer to it parent domain this
  • variable declared with var in global is seted to window
  • variable defined without declaring is seted to window within non-strict mode, and will throw error within strict mode


  • globalThis always refer to global
  • this in global within strict or non-strict mode refer to plain object {}, notice: not global object
  • this in non-arrow function refer to global within non-strict mode, refer to undefined within strict mode
  • this in arrow function refer to it parent domain this
  • variable declared with var in global is not seted to global
  • variable defined without declaring is seted to global within non-strict mode, and will throw error within strict mode
tags: js